In countries outside india when a cop passes by.. your immediate
reaction is usually not laughter.. It’s actually sometimes alertness
just to make sure you’re not doing some shit out of place. Ever wonder
why in India that’s never the case?
Simple, Indians use only one strategy to control
their kids.. “if you misbehave, I’ll hand you over to the police!”.. “if
u don’t ______ (eat, sleep, wake up, study, take a bath, have sex,
drink milk, dance, sing, blah..) Police with come catch you!”
So in every kid’s head, a cop has the initial image of this warrior from the dark..
bearing the keys to the netherrealm.. Where he will take you once
handed over. U will then be made to serve the overlords, polishing and
filing their pet rhinoceros’ toe nails for all eternity, while the
police-man beats you over and over with his primary weapon, the blades
of exile!!
But then, you eventually figure out that a policeman is only really
an oversized person in undersized clothes.. As illustrated below..

No weapons other than the force of gravity. Oh look, its Vasco da Gama’s gun right there..
So remember, when expectations are set so high in a kid’s early life,
it’s surely going to result in just mere laughter when grown up.
Oh! For those who feel that the lack of respect or fear for cops is
actually due to their involvement in corruption, or some other social
factor, please feel free to PISS OFF! Go write your own blog or
humble me
humble me
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